Law enforcement interacts over coffee

By Sophia Gravatt, ASU Rampage
Original article HERE

On Wednesday, Oct. 17, students and police officers gathered in the UC Starbucks for Coffee with a Cop.

“I didn’t always want to be a police officer,” ASU officer Amy Thomas said. “My ex-husband was a police officer, and when we started that lifestyle together, with him in law enforcement, I realized how interesting it was, and that’s when I decided I wanted to do it.”

Thomas said some of the duties of her job include patrolling the campus, helping with medical issues and directing traffic to make sure everyone is driving around campus safely.

“I also answer phone calls, and, if anybody needs help, we of course go and help that person,” Thomas said. “And sometimes we see people doing things they shouldn’t be doing, so we have to take care of those issues and put an end to it.”

Thomas said the best thing about her job is being able to get involved with the students.

“A lot of us are at the age where our children have grown up, so we don’t get that interaction anymore, so just being able to interact with you guys and help guide you in the right direction—I love it.”

There was free food available and police officers provided free Casey Donahew concert tickets.

The concert was rescheduled due to weather, though, and a new date has yet to be announced.