Building relationships. One cup at a time.
Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together–over coffee–to discuss issues and learn more about each other.
Our Mission
The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens they serve.

In Person
Taking time to meet at neutral locations provides the opportunity for real conversations about issues that matter.

Casual Atmosphere
Coffee with a Cop events take place at local restaurants. Community residents can sit down with officers and ask questions or share what’s on their mind.

Building Trust
In a short time, citizens and police officers get to know each other and discover mutual goals for the communities they live in and serve.
See Our Mission in Action
Eighth Annual National Coffee with a Cop Day
Wednesday, October 1st, 2025
National CWAC Day
I wanted to send out a quick note to everyone about how excited we are for Coffee with a Cop Day 2025 which will be celebrated on October 1st. Since its inception in 2011 Coffee with a Cop events have served to build trust and help foster a sense of community in communities large and small. From huge cities to small farming towns local police agencies have embraced the events as a way to connect with its residents and get to know each other over a cup of coffee.
We are constantly told stories about positive connections and interactions at Coffee with a Cop events around the world. Coffee with a Cop has grown beyond our wildest expectations from when it began at a McDonald’s in Hawthorne California. We hoped to someday have events in all 50 states of the U.S., I am proud to say Coffee with a Cop events are held in 33 nations and 9 languages, all with the aim of creating a space where there are no communication barriers , no speeches, no agenda, just honest conversations about issues affecting communities, sports, great places to eat (everyone knows police know the best places to eat, take it from me lol.)
Since our first National CwC day back in 2016 (held annually on the first Wed of October) we have grown steadily every year (except for the last two years). Let’s make this one a huge event across the country!
We know that there are lots of things to talk about over coffee these days. Let’s show the world what community policing looks like. Let’s get to know our community, take lots of selfies with the people we serve (everyone loves a smiling selfie.) Make sure you post or photos on social media using the hashtag #CoffeewithaCop so we can all see the amazing examples of the great work all of you are doing in your communities. We will post the best photos on our facebook/coffeewithacop page
Make sure you follow the Facebook page and visit for the most up to date information about Coffee with a Cop Day 2025. If you need SWAG items such as banners, signs etc. visit which is our authorized vendor for official SWAG.
I wish all the agencies around the world the best of on your events. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us.
We would like to thank CarFax for Police for its commitment to community policing and helping Coffee with a Cop continue to thrive. We will be at the IACP Conference in Dallas this October as part of the Carfax booth. Stop by and ask us some questions about the program and about innovative community policing programs and idea’s, we would love to meet you all.
Don’t forget to use the #coffeewithacopday2025 and #coffeewithacop in your social media. Email us if you have any questions or comments.
Be safe out there,
Sergeant Chris Cognac (retired)
Hawthorne Police Department – Los Angeles County, California
More Than 15,000 Events Worldwide
Who is Coffee with a Cop for?
Police Officers
Coffee with a Cop gives you opportunities, outside of crisis situations, to relax and chat with residents in the community you serve.

Community Members
Coffee with a Cop events provide access and opportunity for distraction-free conversations with your local police officers.