Chat with the Chief

By Naperville Community Television
Original article HERE

Many Naperville residents got a chance to chat with police over a cup of joe.

National Coffee with a Cop Day on October 4 was a perfect opportunity for Chief of Police Bob Marshall, and other members of the police department to spend their morning with local residents.

They hosted a “Chat with the Chief” at McDonalds on Naper Boulevard as a chance to discuss concerns, or just have a one on one conversation over a free cup of coffee.

“This is a great event and I think it establishes some PR with the public and the police force,” said Naperville resident Phil Gregory.

A common topic discussed were traffic problems in the neighborhoods such as speeding and stop sign issues.

It’s been a little over a year since the first “Chat with the Chief.” Since then, the event has grown and has even seen some repeat attendees.

The chief and department hold a meeting after each one to discuss any issues and concerns the public has brought up.

Naperville News 17’s Dimitri Villanueva reports.