Terang residents line up to drink coffee with a cop

By Jessica Howard, The Standard
Original article HERE

CHATTER: Terang resident Joyce Blain, Police Sergeant Danny Brown and owner of Terang Country Bakery Gaye McVilly at the inaugural Coffee with a Cop event. Picture: Jessica Howard.Terang residents were lining up at the door to have a coffee with a cop on Tuesday.

Senior Constable David Gaw and Sergeant Danny Brown sat down with community members at Terang Country Bakery to discuss issues and learn more about each other.

Sergeant Brown said the feedback received from the community was really pleasing.

“We had a couple of people waiting at the door when we arrived which was nice,” he said.

“We discussed some local issues and the pathways that we would like to take in the community. We gave examples of crimes that had been reported, statements that had been taken and offenders that had been processed.

“We also had a couple of incidents reported as well, some which we knew about and some which we will follow up.”

Sergeant Brown said the majority of people that attended felt the local police were doing a great job.

“Especially with the amount of arrests of late,” he said.

“It’s nice (for the community) to know that we aren’t just a couple of robots walking around town – we are actually a friendly face.”

Gaye McVilly from Terang Country Bakery said the inaugural event allowed residents and police to have important discussions in a relaxed environment.

“The police station can be quite formal and this was just a casual conversation over donuts and coffee,” she said.

“It was a really fantastic event.”