Residents and law enforcement come together for Coffee with a Cop

By Adrienne Shelton, Joseph Sharpe, Hometown Stations
Original article HERE

Residents and law enforcement come together for Coffee with a Cop 1.jpgPeople in the community got a chance to sit down and talk with law enforcement on Thursday for the Lima Police Department’s “Coffee with a Cop”.

The men in blue showed up to Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen ready for coffee and conversation. Not only was the Lima Police Department there, but they expanded to their partners and had the Mercy Health-St. Rita’s campus police join them. Councilman Derry Glenn was also there to chat around. Everyone who got a chance to talk with an officer seemed appreciative of the opportunity.

Community member John Curry says, “Letting out everything I’ve been holding in for years, not able to talk to people. It feels good to have somebody to talk to about that and letting you know that they care, they’re out there.”

And James Gephart was excited to be able to meet the LPD officers. “I love meeting our officers, I’ve always wanted to do that for a long time so when they said they were coming, I wanted to show up and meet them,” says Gephart. “This is the highlight of my day.”

The Lima Police department holds several “Coffee with a Cop” events throughout the year at different locations. They are also hosting “Free Pancake Day” on February 15th at the Bradfield Community Center. The COP officers will be there to talk and eat breakfast with the community.