McDonald’s presents checks during Coffee with a Cop

By Marilyn Halstead, The Southern Illinoisan
Original article HERE

McDonald's presents checks during Coffee with a Cop

Wednesday was National Coffee with a Cop Day. To celebrate, Moreland-Bishop McDonald’s teamed up with five local police departments to offers Coffee with a Cop. Marion, West City, Johnston City and Herrin and Energy hosted events at four local McDonald’s.

In Johnston City, Coffee with a Cop was from 3 to 5 p.m. Johnston City Police Chief William Stark, Assistant Chief J.D. Bond and Officer Brian Bailey represented the department. Keith Ledger, who is expected to be sworn in as department chaplain at the next city council meeting, also attended.

McDonald’s furnished a small coffee and cookies for everyone who was participated.

One lady stopped to thank the officers for their service. Another reported a street sign had been knocked down. A few others stopped to say hello.

Chief Stark said he hoped children would participate, but the children were very shy during the first part of the event. Then a few stopped for cookies. Brier Beck came in with his family and seemed a little shy, too.

Brier, a second grader at Unity Christian School in Herrin, came over to the table where police officers were sitting to get a cookie. He noticed something a little strange.

“Why are you wearing a pink badge, and his is yellow?” he asked Stark.

Stark is sporting a new pink badge for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is the month of October. Bond was wearing his regular, gold badge.

“It’s for breast cancer,” Stark replied.

After a short discussion about firefighters and police officers, Stark asked a question.

“Who do you think works harder, us or firemen?” Stark asked.

“I think you guys probably do,” Brier said.

After hearing Brier laugh and talk to the officers, other children started to stop to talk to officers. They were each offered cookies and had the opportunity to talk to officers.

One little boy was very shy around the officers, but he finally took a couple cookies from Bailey. His father explained he had a very bad experiences involving police officers.

McDonald’s gave $500 at each location. Herrin and Energy split the donation at Herrin McDonald’s. Checks were presented ty Michael Moreland and Samantha Davis.

The other three events were in the morning, so the restaurants were already busy customers. Many of those customers stopped to chat with police officers.

“This is presented by National McDonald’s,” Moreland said.

“We wanted to try smaller locations to see how they take off,” Davis said.

Johnston City Mayor Jim Mitchell offered to accept the check into the fund for fireworks next Fourth of July, but Chief Stark may have other ideas.

“It will take a minimum of $20,000 for fireworks,” Mitchell said.

“We have $8,000,” Stark said.

A trivia night is planned for Nov. 4 at Williamson County Shrine Club to raise money for fireworks. Teams will be from four to six people. Entry fee is $10 per team member. Prizes will be awarded for team spirit and original team names. To sign up, call city hall at 618-983-6544.