>   Oct 4, 2017  >   8:30am - 10:30am

National Coffee with a Cop

The Eureka Police Department will be hosting their monthly Coffee with the Captains event on Wednesday October 4th. This happens to also be National Coffee with a Cop Day.

Our newest captain, Patrick O’Neill will be taking part in the event.
Stop in and and say “hi.” Let us know how things are going in your neighborhood. Enjoy a cup of great Starbucks coffee at the same time.

For more information contact Eureka Police/Suzie Owsley at (707)441-4371 or sowsley@ci.eureka.ca.gov .




Nearby Events

See event
Date City Location & Address

October 4th
7 years ago

Eureka, CA

Eureka, CA

Starbucks 5th & E 326 5th St

For Police Officers

Officers, Submit an event

Are you hosting a Coffee with a Cop event? Send the event details and get it posted.

Add your event
For Community Members

Event feedback

Have you attended a Coffee with a Cop event? Let us know how it went.
