‘Coffee with a Cop’ connects residents with Somersworth police

By Deb Cram, Fosters.com
Original article HERE

The sound of laughter, voices, and the wind blowing as the front door opened and closed filled the space at Teatotaller’s in Somersworth Tuesday. It was time for “Coffee with a Cop.”

During the session, which ran from 8 to 10 a.m., Police Chief David Kretschmar moved his way around the crowded room and said he was pleased with the turnout.

“Coffee with a Cop” is a Somersworth Police Department outreach program designed to build relationships with officers and the community.

The department rotates the location of the events from Dunkin’ Donuts to Aroma Joe’s and other Hilltop City coffee shops so officers can chat with a variety of people during the morning hours.