Coffee with a Cop Townsville
By Brittany Fell, myPolice Townsville
Original article HERE
It was a ‘BREW-TIFUL’ morning down on the Strand with the Townsville Police, hosting Coffee with a Cop.
With help from the Booyah Bean Team, Townsville residents were encouraged to grab a ‘COP-PUCCINO’ and have a chat with local Police Officers.
Coffee with a Cop, provides a unique opportunity for community members to chat with local police about local issues. This initiative allows individuals to ask questions, discuss concerns and learn more about policing in the Townsville region.
Acting Inspector Graeme Paine said that it was a great opportunity for police to talk to members of the local community in an informal setting.
The Booyah Bean Team is apart of Project Booyah, which is a police run leadership and mentor program that utilises activity based learning, decision making/problem solving exercises, policing strategies and family inclusive principles to help young people make better life choices. For more information visit here.