Community members get to know Wichita Falls police over “Coffee with a Cop”
By Nicholas Quallich, Texomas
Original article HERE
If you drove by McDonald’s on Kemp Tuesday morning and wondered why there were several police cruisers there, you missed the sign that said “Coffee with a Cop.”
Tuesday’s event coincides with National Police Week. It was meant for community members and law enforcement to get to know each other in a casual setting and discuss whatever they wanted.
One of the officers attending was Timothy Johnson, who said these events are a great way to show that police aren’t just interested in laying down the law.
“Anywhere from taxes to Dallas Cowboys or the fire department. I mean, it can be anything and history of the city, there’s been some of that too,” said Johnson.
“It’s just our way to get out in the community in a capacity other than law enforcement.”
Tuesday’s Coffee with a Cop is the fourth in which Wichita Falls police have participated since January of 2017.